160 research outputs found

    Enterprise Information Systems and Business Process Modelling in Training and Research

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    The University of Debrecen introduced the five year “informatics agricultural engineer” course in the 2002/2003 academic year. In the 2006/2007 the „informatics and agricultural administration engineer“ BSc course has been introduced. The courses are run by the Agricultural Economics and Rural Development faculty. Starting of this course is demanded by the Hungarian agro-food sector, Governmental offices, Institutes, which need the applications of wide range informatics tools and systems. The business process modelling and management is becoming important part of implementing and running information systems. The ARIS is one of the leader products in modelling. The other important system is the SAP in the ERP market. In our education program we are using these products. The ARIS toolset is very useful for research on business modelling in agri-food companies too

    Impacts for m-Internet applications and perspectives in agriculture

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    Mobile communication and the mobile Internet can provide important opportunities, economic advantages for enterprises end organisations and support their more efficient operating as they can use it anytime and anywhere. We can make their wide spread usage, innovation effect and advantages economical way if we consider the effect system of technologies and services. The technological, social and economical complex effect system puts pressure on spreading of business applications. The types of applicable equipment are increasing. There can be found four player groups according to social aspects: manufacturers, enterprises, customers and workers. The Internet technology and the Internet network have become essential communication tools in business processes recently. Using the Internet by means of mobile appliances increases the possibilities. If we study the business process the expenses, advantages, disadvantages can be seen well. Nowadays these applications are more and more successful in the following areas such as in agriculture, in different parts of food industry, in extension services, precision agriculture, logistics

    Multimedia and e-Learning integration for supporting training programs in agriculture by MOODLE

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    The NODES project aims at facilitating, for adult training / lifelong training, the use of multimedia knowledge to improve competitiveness employability and mobility of handicapped adults (physical and sensorial) and of adults victims of the digital divide or of some of its components such as distance, initial level of knowledge, language, use of complex technologies. The NODES project is focused, on the wide sense, on the production and diffusion of knowledge created within public and private organizations dedicated to adult training or by individuals, through Europe. Within the project the MOODLE e-Learning system was selected and more multimedia content will be integrated into the knowledge base. The EU-Index metadatabase collects content sources for the project partners. Another target is to integrate video files into the systems. This parts are integrated by the logical and physical architectures of the NODES

    E-learning Aspects of NODES Project

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    The NODES project aims at promoting the use, in adult training/lifelong learning, of multimedia knowledge, in order to facilitate competitiveness, employability and mobility of adults who are victims of the digital divide or of some of its components, such as distance, initial level of knowledge, language, and use of complex technologies. Our task in the project is studying the existing free or commercial licenses e-learning software. The aim of the investigation of these systems is surveying the most important functional features, modules, standards, and hardware and software requirements. After the comparison of the e-Learning systems by several methods, have to evaluate the most important parameters, which are suitable suggestion for the project management. These parameters were evaluated. Reviewing these parameters, our suggestion is the Moodle or the aTutor

    Assessments of Information Systems at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Agri-food Sector

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    Integrated information systems under large-scale company conditions have become widespread over the past decades. Information, data management and systematic information produced from these data and arranged according to needs, however, are required by not only large-scale companies but small- and medium-sized enterprises as well in the agri-food sector. The improvement of information and communication technologies continuously influence the development of information systems, the introduction of different solutions in architecture and the application of new business models. Our research goals was to analyse the evolution of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), functional analysing of SME’s (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) information systems and developing decision support tools for selection, comparison of ERPs and economical evaluation of ERP investment. This tools are partly developed and usable for SMEs in the agri-food sector

    Mobile Internet in Agriculture (Hajdú-Bihar) Survery

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    For the purpose of analyzing mobile Internet user expectations we have gone through a series of structured interviews. There are two parts of this analysis: we have talked with experts and farmers. In this paper we present the results of the survey conducted in July and August 2006, based on interviews with the experts. Experts are more or less aware of the technology (and related services) but neither at the workplace, nor at home do they use it. Some progress can be seen, but it is slow and in many areas (for example having an own website, keeping touch through Internet) there is much to learn and advance

    Impact factors for mobile internet applications in the agri-food sectors

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    Mobile communication and the mobile Internet can provide important opportunities, economic advantages for enterprises end organisations and support their more efficient operating as they can be used anytime and anywhere. We can make their wide spread use, innovative effects and advantages economical if we consider the effect system of technologies and services. The technological, social and economical complex effect system puts a pressure on the spreading of business applications. The types of applicable equipment are increasing. According to social aspects there are four player groups: manufacturers, enterprises, customers and workers. The Internet technology and the Internet network have become essential communication tools in business processes recently. Using the Internet by means of mobile appliances increases the possibilities. By studying the business process the expenses, advantages, disadvantages can well be seen. Nowadays these applications are more and more successful in areas such as agriculture, different parts of the food industry, extension services, precision agriculture and logistics. It can be stated that the international and the Hungarian development tendencies of the mobile Internet, the RTD Programmes of EU help the wide-spread use of mobile services. The rapid development of the Hungarian domestic mobile market over the last years is the basis for the wide spread use of new broadband mobile services and applications. This system can contribute to the development of agriculture, enterprises and rural areas and can support production, commerce, services and product tracing. But for successful applications we have to consider the impact factors

    Mobile Internet Applications, Infrastructure and Services

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    Mobile communication and the mobile Internet can provide important opportunities, economic advantages for enterprises end organisations and support their more efficient operating as they can be used anytime and anywhere. We can make their wide spread use, innovative effects and advantages economical if we consider the effect system of technologies and services. The technological, social and economical complex effect system puts a pressure on the spreading of business applications. The types of applicable equipment are increasing. The Internet technology and the Internet network have become essential communication tools in business processes recently. Using the Internet by means of mobile appliances increases the possibilities. By studying the business process the expenses, advantages, disadvantages can well be seen. Nowadays these applications are more and more successful in areas such as agriculture, different parts of the food industry, extension services, precision agriculture and logistics. It can be stated that the international and the Hungarian development tendencies of the mobile Internet, the RTD Programmes of EU help the wide-spread use of mobile services. The rapid development of the Hungarian domestic mobile market over the last years is the basis for the wide spread use of new broadband mobile services and applications. This system can contribute to the development of agriculture, enterprises and rural areas and can support production, commerce, services and product tracing. But for successful applications we have to consider the impact factors

    New technologies for e-commerce

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    Today electronic commerce (e-commerce) has changed the way of doing business, and contributes significantly to economic activity. In any case, e-commerce is not a static field but it is always evolving in order to support new and more complex real world processes. The agriculture sector is expected to undergo significant transformation as a result of new business models being adopted through ecommerce. Examples of the adoption of new technologies in agriculture are provided with a view to demonstrating the benefits that can be achieved. The first part I expound the basics of e-commerce and e-markets. After I describe potential benefits to agriculture from adoption of e-commerce. The last part I describe the ecommerce 2.0, what is a prospect evolution of e-commerce

    eGovernment services for farmers

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    To simplify procedures in connection with applications for area payments the The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (ARDA) (Mezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Hivatal; MVH) and the Central Agriculture Office (CAO) (Mezőgazdasági Szakigazgatási Hivatal; MgSzH) started to itnroduce electronic filling and submission of application forms in 2008. Already in 2007 it was possible for clients (more than 200 ha area) receiving unified area payments (SAPS) (hereinafter referred to as selected farmers) to submit ) Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS), Top-UP and in connection with those lands with infavourable conditions relating (KAT) and the Agro-environment Management Programs. (AKG) through the electronic form submission system (hereinafter referred to as e-admission). In 2008 every client has the possibility to create and submit his/her application for area payment electronically with a PC